Workout Splits

What Are Workout Splits?

A workout split is how you structure your training across the week—determining which muscle groups you train and how often. Many traditional programs require 4-6 days a week in the gym, but for busy men over 40, that’s not realistic or necessary.

At Midlife Muscle Mastery, we focus on 2-day and 3-day splits because they provide maximum muscle growth with minimal time commitment. Our low-volume, high-intensity approach ensures that each set is taken to failure with a controlled 5/5 cadence, meaning you don’t need endless sets to stimulate growth.

Why We Use a 2-Day or 3-Day Split?

✅ More Recovery = More Growth – Training too often can lead to burnout, joint stress, and stalled progress. Our approach prioritizes full recovery for stronger, more effective workouts.

✅ Time-Efficient for Busy Schedules – 1-3 hours per week in the gym is all you need to build serious muscle.

✅ Strength & Muscle Retention – Every workout focuses on key compound movements, ensuring progressive overload and strength gains.

Which Split is Right for You?

💪 2-Day Split (Minimalist & Effective) – Ideal for those with very limited time who still want to gain muscle and strength.

🏋️ 3-Day Split (Balanced & Optimized) – Perfect for those who want slightly more training frequency while still prioritizing recovery.

🔻 Click below to choose your split and start training smarter! 🔻

Workout A (Upper Body & Core)

✅ Back Exercise:

Close-Grip Lat Pulldown (Machine)

✅ Shoulder Exercise:

Seated Machine Shoulder Press

✅ Chest Exercise:

Incline Barbell or Dumbbell Press

✅ Trap Exercise:

Slow Dumbbell Shrugs (Hold at the top for max contraction)

✅ Core Exercise:

Hanging Leg Raises

Workout B (Lower Body & Full-Body Movements)

✅ Quad-Dominant Exercise:

Leg Press (Machine or Sled)

✅ Hamstring & Glute Exercise:

Romanian Deadlifts (Barbell or Dumbbells)

✅ Calf Exercise:

Seated Calf Raises (Machine or Dumbbell on Knees)

✅ Core Exercise:

Hanging Leg Raises

✅ Cardio for Recovery:

Incline Walking – 5 minutes at moderate pace

Workout A – Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

✅ Chest Exercise:

Incline Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbells)

✅ Triceps Exercise:

Rope Triceps Pushdowns (Cable)

✅ Shoulder Exercise:

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Workout B – Pull Day (Back, Biceps, Traps)

✅ Lat & Upper Back Exercise:

Dumbbell Pullovers

✅ Rowing Movement:

Bent-Over Barbell Row

✅ Biceps Exercise:

Barbell or Dumbbell Biceps Curls

✅ Trap Exercise:

Slow Dumbbell Shrugs

Workout C – Leg Day (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

✅ Quad-Dominant Exercise:

Leg Press (Machine or Sled)

✅ Hamstring & Glute Exercise:

Hack Squats (Machine or Goblet Squats)

✅ Leg Extension & Hamstring Curl:

Leg Extensions (Machine)

✅ Calf Exercise:

Seated Calf Raises (Machine or Dumbbell on Knees)

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